Minimally invasive surgery

MIS refers to surgical procedures with minimal injury to skin and soft tissues and is associated with fewer complications.
Minimally invasive surgery

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is a surgical technique that uses very small incisions in the skin. Through one of these minimal incisions, an optical system with an attached camera is brought to the "site of action". The camera is connected to video technology so that the surgeon can follow the operation inside true to scale and meanwhile in HDTV quality. The special surgical instruments are inserted through further tiny incisions. MIS is generally more gentle and less stressful for the body than classic open surgery, which involves a large opening. Minimally invasive techniques avoid muscle and tissue disruption. MIS is associated with laparoscopy (abdominal endoscopy).

How it works

  • With MedicusUnion's website or mobile app, you can consult your doctor from the comfort of your own home
  • Accredited European specialists with extensive practical experience and state-of-the-art knowledge in their field
  • An online consultation offers you the opportunity to discuss your concerns with your doctor, with the convenience and the location of your choice. The specialist will take an initial history to inquire about your current symptoms and your treatment needs. Based on this information, he will perform a thorough assessment, recommend further examinations if needed, and decide on further treatment

Our Doctors

Experts from all fields of medicine at one place. The doctors of MedicusUnion have many years of experience and master modern and innovative technologies for the treatment of a variety of diseases