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Ear, nose and throat medicine (otolaryngology)

Ear, nose and throat medicine (otolaryngology)

An otolaryngologist deals with pathologies of the ear, throat and nose, as they are in close physiological relationship. Among the symptoms are olfactory disorders, hearing loss, difficulty nasal breathing, and pain in the maxillary sinuses. Some symptoms of ENT diseases may not be obvious - for example, attacks of dizziness, purulent eyes or allergies.
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Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Christoph Reisser


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ENT operations on the larynx
Nose surgeries
Laser surgery and ENT operationsENT operations for hearing loss
Cosmetic ENT surgeries
Eliminate snoring with ENT surgeries
ENT operations on salivary glands
ENT operations of the tear ducts
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Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, MBA


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Cochlear Implants; Vibrant Soundbridge; Bonebridge; BAHA Attract; MET Implant; Carina II and Brainstemimplants in children and adults; single sided or in bilateral simultaneous implantation