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Univ. Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm


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Language Spoken: German, English


Univ. Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm is Professor of Nutritional Medicine and Head Emeritus of the Department of Nutritional Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna with many years of experience and an international reputation. His expertise spans all pediatric specialties, and he is distinguished by his compassionate and ethically responsible commitment. With a particular focus on metabolism, nutrition, obesity and cholesterol, he is passionate about protecting young patients early on from the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. Dr. Widhalm takes ample time with his patients and their families, ensuring comprehensive consultations and quick, sound diagnoses.

"I give my best every day and take enough time for all concerns and questions. The patient is always my focus and receives my undivided attention!"  Univ. Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm.


  • Nestle-Alete Prize 1978
  • Clemens von Pirquet Prize 1980
  • Konrad Lang Prize 1986
  • Dr. F. Habig Prize 1989
  • Austrian Prize for Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases 1990
  • Research Promotion Prize of the First 1994
  • Science Prize of the Austrian Society for Pediatrics 2007
  • Therapy Award of the German Obesity Society (as the first Austrian) 2010



  • Member of the Drug Safety Committee at the Federal Ministry of Health, Sport and Consumer Protection
  • Member of the scientific advisory board of the Austrian Medical Association.
  • President of the European Association for Research in obese children (EAROC)
  • President of the Academic Institute for Nutritional Medicine, Vienna
  • Member of the EMEA European Medicine Agency, London


  • 1978 Chief Physician of an internal ward
  • 1973 Transfer to the Univ. Children's Hospital Vienna
  • 1974 Establishment and management of the outpatient clinic for lipometabolism and the nutritional consultation of the clinic
  • 1992 Assignment as head of the internal department and medical director of the Mautner Markhof'schen Children's Hospital of the City of Vienna
  • 2003 Assignment as Professor for Nutritional Medicine
  • since 1988 Head of the Austrian Early Diagnosis and Treatment Program for Congenital Metabolic Disorders at the University Children's Hospital Vienna
  • 2004 Head of the Department of Nutritional Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna
  • 1995 Return to the Univ. Children's Hospital Vienna as senior physician in charge
  • 2003 Head of the Department of Nutritional Medicine of the Univ. of Vienna
  • Head of the Austrian Academic Institute for Nutritional Medicine (ÖAIE) in Vienna


  • 1986 Assignment of the professional title of a.o.University Professor
  • 1998 Recognition as a specialist in medical and chemical laboratory diagnostics by the Austrian Medical Association
  • 1971 - 1973 Medical Assistant at the Physiological Institute of the University of Vienna; Summer 1971: Study visit to the USA
  • 1977 Medical specialist in Pediatrics
  • 1994 Assignment of "Venia docendi" for medical and chemical laboratory diagnostics (Clinical Chemistry)
  • 1980 Habilitation for Pediatrics


  • Performing body composition measurements
  • Metabolic testing
  • Nutritional education in case of overweight/underweight and all intolerances
  • Genetic counseling and performing genetic analysis in case of congenital diseases
  • Precise laboratory diagnostics
  • Diagnostics of malnutrition