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Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. Reinhold Knitza


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Language Spoken: German, English


Prof. Dr. med. habil. Reinhold Knitza had moved to the Saarland University Hospital in Homburg/Saar after training at the Mainz University Hospitals in anesthesia and intensive care therapy as well as physiological chemistry. There he passed the specialist examination in gynecology.

For many years he has been providing women with differentiated care at the highest medical level from birth to old age. His patients benefit from his broad, extensive clinical experience and knowledge of the latest scientific standards in the context of gynecological and obstetrical screening examinations as well as surgical interventions.


  • Top-10 Doctors in Gauting on Jameda
  • FOCUS Recommendation 2017 - Gynecologist District Munich
  • FOCUS Recommendation 2018 - Gynecologist District Munich
  • FOCUS Recommendation 2019 - Gynecologist District Munich



  • Member of the Munich Breast Competence Center
  • Participant of the quality measure "SonoBaby: Ultrasound in Pregnancy”
  • Member of the German Society for Mesotherapy
  • Member of the GSAAM (German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine)


  • Adjunct professor at the LMU Munich
  • Senior physician at the gynecological clinic of the Ludwig- Maximilians-University in Munich-Großhadern
  • 1997 Chief Physician at the Gynecological Clinic of the Bad Hersfeld Hospital - academic teaching hospital of the University of Giessen
  • 1998 "Profesor Visitante" of the oldest university in South America in Lima, the Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos as well as the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Since 2000 own practice and attending physician at the Wolfart Clinic in Gräfelfing, Germany
  • Since October 2017 attending physician at the Gynecological Clinic Munich West in Pasing


  • Physiological Chemistry at the University Hospital of Saarland
  • Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the University Hospital of Mainz
  • Medical Education in Gynecology in Homburg/Saar


  • Initial examination
  • Pregnancy care
  • Gynecological operations
  • Prenatal diagnostics
  • Treatment of urinary incontinence
  • Reproductive care (counseling)