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Prof. Dr. med. Albrecht Pfeiffer


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Language Spoken: German, English


Prof. Dr. med. Albrecht Pfeiffer as a renowned medical practitioner has practiced for over a decade as a senior physician and for more than two decades as chief physician at a major clinic for internal medicine, specializing in gastroenterology/hepatology, diabetology, as well as hematooncology and palliative medicine.  After thorough scientific training in the field of digestive physiology, further training was undertaken in internal medicine and gastroenterology. Extensive clinical work based on the breadth of internal medicine led to personal focuses in areas such as diagnostic and particularly operative endoscopy, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, hepatology, functional digestive disorders, and oncology of the digestive organs with early palliative care. The medical care of his patients was guided by evidence-based medicine, accompanied by the conduct of clinical studies, the publication of which garnered international attention in prestigious journals.  In the context of evidence-based medicine and extensive clinical experience, Prof. Pfeiffer’s goal is to provide each patient with the best possible individualized treatment.


  • More than 200 scientific publications and book chapters


  • American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
  • European Crohn`s and Colitis Organization (ECCO)
  • German Society for Internal Medicine (DGIM)
  • Society for Gastroenterology in Bavaria
  • German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS)
  • Working Group Gastroenterology Swabia (Chairman 2004 - 2006)
  • European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM)


  • 1990-1997: Senior physician at the Medical Clinic II of the Municipal Hospital Munich-Bogenhausen, academic teaching hospital of the Technical University of Munich
  • 1992: Recognition of sub-specialty title "Gastroenterology
  • 1995: Habilitation (Venia legendi) for the subject of internal medicine. Awarded the academic title "Privatdozent" by the Ludwig- Maximilian University of Munich
  • 1997-2020: Chief Physician of the Medical Clinic II of the Memmingen Clinic, Academic Teaching Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  • 2002: Awarded the academic title of "Associate Professor" by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • 2007-2020: Medical Director of the Memmingen Clinic, academic teaching hospital of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • 2009: Recognition of additional qualification in "palliative medicine"
  • 2021: Practice for internal medicine/gastroenterology. Medical director of the St. Vinzenz medical care center, Marktoberdorf


  • 1976-1982: Medical studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • 1982: Doctorate at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • 1984: Research stay at INSERM U 54 (digestive physiology), Paris
  • 1985: Clinical research and work as a fellow of the Collège de Médecine at Hospital St. Lazare, Université VII, Paris
  • 1990: Recognized as a doctor of internal medicine
  • 03/2022: Internist, gastroenterologist, palliative physician. Center for Internal Medicine "Fünf Höfe", Munich


  • Internal medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Palliative medicine