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Prof. Dr. Markus Hartenbach


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Language Spoken: German, English


Prof. Dr. Hartenbach has won significant international recognition for his achievements in imaging and treating prostate cancer: Young Investigator Award of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Cuno Winkler Prize of the German Society for Nuclear Medicine and BSM-Mallinckrodt-Price of the Austrian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (OeGNMB), to name just a few.His interdisciplinary approach combining hybrid imaging and radionuclide therapy and extensive scientific background allow him to develop individual treatment concepts tailor-made for the patient´s needs.


  • 158 total peer-reviewed publications (thereof: 152 articles, 2 reviews & 3 book-chapters); 2700 total cites


  • 01/2016 Winner of the BSM-Mallinckrodt-Price of the Austrian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (OGNMB)
  • 2011-2013 Preclinical study "Multimodal imaging for the detection, localization and prognostic estimation of exposure by ionizing irradiation" in cooperation with the Institute of Radiobiology of the German Armed Forces and the Department of Nuclear
  • 06/2012 Winner of the Nuclear Oncology Council's Young Investigator Award of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2012, Miami Beach, Fla., USA) for the study "FEC-PET / MRI in primary prostate cancer. Results of a prospective clinical trial "
  • 2008-2012 Clinical prospective drug study "Evaluation of choline positron emission tomography, combined by software fusion with magnetic resonance imaging, in the pre-therapeutic staging of prostate carcinoma"
  • 2008-2012 Clinical prospective drug study "Evaluation of choline positron emission tomography, combined by software fusion with magnetic resonance imaging, in the pre-therapeutic staging of prostate carcinoma"
  • 2015-2020 Clinically prospective randomized Phase III drug trial "Randomized Assessment of patients with clinically suspected prostate cancer after multiparametric metabolic hybrid imaging to evaluate its potential clinical domain - the RAPID study"
  • 2016-2023 Clinical track of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Applied Diagnostics (LBI:AD) under the lead of Prof. Markus Mitterhauser


  • Prostate Cancer
  • PSMA therapy (Lutetium
  • Actinium)
  • Neuroendocrine tumors (NET)
  • Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT)
  • PSMA PET/CT (Gallium-68)
  • Therapy of bone metastases (Radium-223)


  • 03/11-02/12 Further Education CT / MRI, Department of Radiology, Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
  • 12/09 Specialization Radiation Protection. Deputy. Radiation Protection Officer Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
  • 03/09 Promotion to senior medical officer
  • 12/08 Golden Cross of Honor of the German Armed Forces
  • 07/08 - 12/09 Resident Nuclear Medicine Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
  • 07/08 - 12/09 Resident Nuclear Medicine Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
  • 11/06 Certification Investigator and Study Director (Competence Center Clinical Studies of the University of Tübingen)
  • 10/06 Doctorate at the University of Ulm
  • 11/05 - 05/07 Resident Nuclear Medicine German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
  • 11/05 Graduation from university and promotion to the rank of a medical officer
  • 10/99 - 11/05 Study Human Medicine University of Ulm
  • 01/99 - 09/99 Officer Courses I and II in Horb a. Neckar and Munich
  • 01/99 appointment as medical officer candidate


  • 08/2018 Founding of MINUTE medical GmbH Vienna
  • Since 12/2015 Assistant Professor of Nuclear Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • Since 03/2014 Senior Consultant and Head of PET / MRI Hybrid Imaging at the General Hospital Vienna of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • 03/12-12/12 Senior Physician and Deputy Head Section Nuclear Medicine, Armed Forces Hospital Ulm. Further education Radiology at interdisciplinary PET / CT
  • 03/12 Board certified specialist Nuclear Medicine
  • 01/10- 02/11 Ward physician and continuing education PET / CT, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Campus Großhadern, Medical Director: Prof. Dr. med. P. Bartenstein
  • 12/09 Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Head of Nuclear Medicine Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
  • 06/07 - 06/08 Science officer at the Institute for Radiobiology of the German Armed Forces in Munich