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OA Dr. med. univ Markus Marcher


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Language Spoken: German, English, Spanish; Castilian


Dr. med. univ. Markus Marcher is a renowned specialist in thoracic surgery and general medicine with an impressive medical career. After completing his medical studies at the University of Vienna, he received his doctorate (Dr. med. univ.) in 2004 and completed his training as a general practitioner as well as his emergency physician diploma. He successfully completed his residency in thoracic surgery in 2013 and has since worked as a senior physician for thoracic surgery at Otto Wagner Hospital Vienna. Dr. Marcher is also a Univ.Lector at the Medical University of Vienna and contributes his extensive expertise to various medical institutions, including the Privatklinik Rudolfinerhaus and the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Wien. 

Treating his patients according to the latest medical findings and the principles of humanity - is for Dr. med. univ. Markus Marcher the basis of a trusting doctor-patient relationship.

"It is my most urgent goal to be able to address your problems in detail in a personal conversation." OA Dr. med. univ. Markus Marcher


  • Since 2010 Univ.Lector of the Medical University of Vienna
  • 2013 positive completion of the examination to become a specialist for thoracic surgery
  • 2013 Senior physician for thoracic surgery at Otto Wagner Hospital Vienna
  • 2013 Opening of the private practice as a specialist for thoracic surgery
  • 2014 Attending physician at the Rudolfinerhaus Private Clinic
  • 2014 Attending physician of the EKH Vienna (Evangelical Hospital Vienna)
  • 2015 Consultant thoracic surgeon of the AUVA Unfallkrankenhaus Lorenz Böhler Vienna
  • 2015 Consultant thoracic surgeon at EKH Vienna (Evangelical Hospital Vienna) 2019
  • 2019 Senior physician KH Nord - Floridsdorf Clinic ongoing
  • Continuing education at national and international conferences and congresses


  • 1997 - 2004 Medical studies at the University of Vienna
  • 2004 Doctorate with dissertation to Dr. med. univ. in Vienna
  • 2005 - 2008 Training as a general practitioner
  • 2008 Positive completion of the examination in general medicine
  • 2008 Emergency doctor diploma
  • since 2008 Lecturer at the medical further education institute Sophos Vienna
  • 2008 - 2013 Residency in thoracic surgery


  • Lung cancer
  • Lung nodules
  • Pleural effusions of unclear origin
  • Sweaty hands
  • Sweat axillas
  • Pneumothorax
  • Surgery of metastases and laser surgery
  • Emphysema surgery
  • Septic surgery
  • Malignant pleural mesothelioma
  • Tumor pre- and aftercare
  • Bronchiectasis