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Dr. med. Albert Peters


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Language Spoken: German, English


Dr. med. Albert Peters is an expert in Surgery, Visceral Surgery, and Proctology. With a rich career, including leadership roles at renowned medical institutions, Dr. Peters has been operating a private practice office in Munich since 2020. He provides specialized services in inflammatory bowel diseases, pelvic floor disorders, cancer prevention, and various endoscopic treatments.


  • Fellow of European Board of Surgery Coloproctology, Versailles / France 2009


  • 1983 - 1985 Study of human medicine at the University of Antwerp / Belgium
  • 1985 - 1991 Study of human medicine at the Ruhr-University Bochum
  • 2005 Certification from Competence Center for Coloproctology
  • 2006 Recognition of specialization in "Proctology", Westphalia - Lippe
  • 2008 Recognition of specialization in "Visceral Surgery", Westphalia-Lippe Medical Association
  • 1994 Doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of the Ruhr University Bochum
  • 1998 Recognition of specialization in "Surgery" by the Westphalia-Lippe Medical Association


  • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease
  • Cancer prevention
  • Rectoscopy / Proctoscopy / Anoscopy
  • Colonoscopy / Gastroscopy
  • Pelvic floor disorders
  • Bowel incontinence / Bowel disorders
  • Hemorrhoid / Fistula / Hernia treatment


  • 2013 - 2016 Chief Physician of the Clinic for Surgery - Evangelical Hospital St. Johannisstift Paderborn
  • 2017 - 2019 Medical Director of the HELIOS Clinic Munich-Perlach
  • 1999 - 2009 Senior Physician - Proctology - Department of General Surgery Marienhospital Erwitte
  • 2009 - 2012 Senior Physician - Surgery - Evangelisches Krankenhaus Lippstadt, Clinic for General and Visceral Surgery, Thoracic and Trauma Surgery
  • 1992 - 1998 Assistant Physician in further training - Prosper-Hospital Recklinghausen, Academic Teaching Hospital of the RUB
  • 1998 Visiting Clinician at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA
  • 2016 - 2020 Chief Physician General and Visceral Surgery - HELIOS Clinic Munich-Perlach
  • 1991 - 1992 Assistant Physician - Surgical University Clinic of the Ruhr University Bochum
  • Since 2020 Private practice - Proktologie Prinzregenten 121 in Munich