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Dr. Stefan Schlicht


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Language Spoken: German, English


Dr. Schlicht is a specialist in the medical field of paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition and specialises in congenital and acquired disorders and diseases of the gastro-oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, liver and bile ducts as well as the pancreas.


  • German Society for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ)
  • Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition e. V. (GPGE)


  • 2002 License to practice medicine
  • 1996 - 2002 Studies of human medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
  • 2011 Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine
  • 2013 Specialist title in neonatology
  • 2019 Additional qualification in pediatric gastroenterology


  • Food intolerances / food allergies
  • Fructose intolerance / lactose intolerance / sorbitol intolerance
  • Coeliac disease (autoimmune disease caused by gluten)
  • Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease / ulcerative colitis
  • Chronic infections of the intestine / small intestine colonisation
  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
  • Eosinophilic oesophagitis
  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • Functional diseases such as irritable stomach and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Clarification of unclear increases in liver values (transaminase elevation) / unclear jaundice (bilirubin)
  • Liver diseases
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Chronic pancreatic problems (pancreatitis / pancreatic insufficiency)
  • Problems with the bile ducts and gallbladder / gallstones


  • 2005 - 2013 Assistant doctor at the paediatric clinic Klinikum Dritter Orden, Munich. Training as a specialist and neonatologist, many years of work on the neonatal and paediatric intensive care unit
  • 2013 - 2022 Senior consultant in paediatric gastroenterology at Starnberg Hospital. Substitute as senior physician for the general paediatric ward and the NIPS (perinatal centre level II)
  • 2003 - 2005 Junior doctor and assistant doctor at the paediatric clinic and polyclinic of the TU Munich, Schwabing paediatric clinic