
Unsere Ärzte

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Dr. med. Bernhard Liedl


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Gesprochene Sprache: German, English


Dr Bernhard Liedl has been performing gender reassignment surgery since 1991 and has refined and standardized the techniques since then.

Since 01.11.2017, Dr. Liedl has headed the Department of Reconstructive Urogenital Surgery at the Urology Clinic Munich-Planegg, where the entire spectrum of masculinizing and feminizing gender reassignment surgery, including breast surgery, is offered on an interdisciplinary basis in collaboration with urologists, gynecologists and plastic surgeons.



  • President of the International Society of Pelviperineology (ISPP)
  • Member of the German Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (DGPW)
  • Member of the German Continence Society
  • Member of the German Society of Urology
  • Member of the European Association of Urology
  • Member of the Infectiology Working Group of the German Urology Association
  • Member of the Bavarian Urology Association
  • Member of the International Continence Society (ICS)


  • 1972 - 1978 Study of medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)
  • 1987 Recognition as a specialist in urology - Urological Clinic and Polyclinic LMU
  • 2001 Recognition as a specialist for special urological surgery, Munich


  • 1983 Video Award of the German Society of Urology
  • 1997 Poster prize of the Southeast German Society for Urology


  • Reconstructive surgery of the external genitalia
  • Plastic reconstruction
  • Nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy
  • Sphincter implantation
  • Incontinence treatment


  • 1978 - 1979 Medical officer in the German Armed Forces
  • 1980 - 1983 Surgical training at Dachau Hospital
  • 1983 - 1987 Training at the Urology Clinic and Polyclinic, LMU Munich
  • 1988 - 1991 Chief physician at the Urology Clinic and Polyclinic, LMU Munich
  • 1991 - 2006 Senior consultant at the Urology Clinic and Polyclinic, LMU Munich
  • 2007 - 2017 Chief Physician at the Center for Urogenital Surgery, Surgical Clinic Munich-Bogenhausen
  • Since 2017 Chief Physician for Urology at the Urological Clinic Munich - Planegg, Head of the Center for Reconstructive Urogenital Surgery