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Radiation oncologists are trained in performing radiation treatment for people with cancer and patients with certain noncancerous (benign) conditions. The doctors also specialize in treating complex and rare cancers ensuring precise treatment and improved outcomes.
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Experts from all medical fields in one place

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Prim. PD Dr. Iris Chemelli-Steingruber, MBA, MSc


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Radiological diagnostics
CT targeted pain therapy
Secondary diagnosis
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Dr. Eva Kahler-Ullepitsch


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Patient care before and after stroke
M. Parkinson's disease / tremor
Dementia (memory testing)
Intervertebral disc herniations and nerve root irritations
“Restless legs“ syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Anxiety disorders
Electrophysiological investigation to clarify peripheral nervous system disorders: nerve conduction velocity (NLG) and electromyography (EMG)
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Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Florian Wolf


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Vascular diseases
Oncological diseases
Benign diseases
Pain therapy
Differential diagnosis of seizures
Treatment of epilepsies in children and adolescents with a focus on difficult-to-treat epilepsies
Testing drug resistance to therapy
Rare and complex epilepsies with pharmacoresistance
Pre-surgical epilepsy diagnostics and surgical epilepsy therapy (curative and palliative)
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)
Ketogenic nutritional therapies
Neurocutaneous diseases (tuberous sclerosis / Sturge Weber syndrome / overgrowth syndrome...)
Epilepsy monitoring unit. )
Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (intensive video-EEG long-term monitoring with scalp and invasive electrodes)
Follow-up care and planning of rehabilitation after epilepsy surgery
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Prof. Dr. med. Petra-Maria Schumm-Draeger


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Hormonal diseases
Clinical and experimental thyroid research
Clinical diabetology
Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome