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Tropical Medicine

Tropical Medicine

Tropical medicine is the study of the world’s major tropical diseases and related conditions, which include a group of 17 neglected tropical diseases such as hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, river blindness, elephantiasis, trachoma, Chagas disease, Buruli ulcer, and leishmaniasis, as well as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. The field also includes related disorders in malnutrition and even some non-communicable diseases.
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PD Dr. med. Jens Christian Wallmichrath


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Female intimate surgery
Male intimate surgery
Scar correction
Lower abdominoplasty
Thigh lift
Plastic-reconstructive intimate surgery
Arm lift
Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty)
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OA Dr. Georg C. Bézard


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Shoulder (arthroscopy of the shoulder joint; impingement syndrome; shoulder dislocations; Bankart lesion; tendon tears in the shoulder joint; supraspinatus tear; biceps tendon tear; SLAP lesions; AC joint dislocations; upper arm and collarbone fractures;)
Hand (carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS); trigger fingers; radial fractures; scaphoid fractures; metacarpal and finger fractures; tendon injuries; de Quervain's tendovaginitis; ganglion; Dupuytren's contractures; forearm fractures) Knee (knee arthroscopy; meniscus injuries; cruciate ligament injuries; cartilage injuries; plica syndrome; patella dislocations ; jumpersknee; fracture near the knee joint; prostheses of the knee joint)
Sports injuries (overload of the musculoskeletal system (tennis elbow); tendon ruptures; tendon injuries (Achilles tendon & quadriceps tendon); dislocations (shoulder; AC joint; fingers); fractures / broken bones; bodybuilding & strength sports; climbing; cycling / running (triathlon); kitesurfing / windsurfing)
Arthroscopy (meniscus injuries; cruciate ligament injuries; cartilage injuries; plica syndrome; impingement syndrome; Bankart lesion; tendon tears in the shoulder joint; SLAP lesions; AC joint dislocations; impingement; cartilage damage; OCD)
Endoprosthetics (hip joint prostheses; knee joint prostheses; shoulder joint prostheses)
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Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, MBA


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Cochlear Implants; Vibrant Soundbridge; Bonebridge; BAHA Attract; MET Implant; Carina II and Brainstemimplants in children and adults; single sided or in bilateral simultaneous implantation
Rheumatic diseases
Overweight (obesity)
Lipometabolic disorders
Iron deficiency
Pre-operative assessment
Medication management
Knee arthroscopy & knee prosthetics Artificial hip joint (cementless)
Trigger finger
Nerve constriction (carpal tunnel syndrome) Hallux valgus - hammertoes
Morton neuroma (nerve tumor)
Shoulder arthroscopic procedures (calcium removal
bursa removal)
ACP autologous blood therapy Shock wave therapy
Infant ultrasound
Neural therapy Infiltration therapy Chiropractic therapy