
Anesthesiology is responsible for pain relief during medical interventions. Discuss the symptoms with an expert and find a solution to your complaint

The anesthesiologist performs effective anesthesia during medical interventions, while assisting in preservation of vital functions of the body. Anesthetic care is represented by different types – intravenous, spinal, regional, etc. You can choose the optimal solution to the problem, taking into account the symptoms and concomitant diagnoses, with the help of a qualified specialist using our platform.

How it works

  • With MedicusUnion's website or mobile app, you can consult your doctor from the comfort of your own home
  • Accredited European specialists with extensive practical experience and state-of-the-art knowledge in their field
  • An online consultation offers you the opportunity to discuss your concerns with your doctor, with the convenience and the location of your choice. The specialist will take an initial history to inquire about your current symptoms and your treatment needs. Based on this information, he will perform a thorough assessment, recommend further examinations if needed, and decide on further treatment